Thursday, August 31, 2006

JUNIT Elements Discovered

"<"target name="target-name" depends"mothertarget" if="someproperty"">"

When i run ant target-name ... following things will happen
1. The target's dependent taget is run first
2. Then there will be a check to see if "someproperty" is set, it dose not matter whether it is set to true or false or some junk value. And it can be set as a "proeprty element in the same build.xml or it can be set in file too.
3. if "someproperty" is set to some value, then the target "target-name" is run other wise only the target on which it depends would have ru, but the current target will be skipped


This Element can be used to call any target with in the same build.xml file.
My Tip : This is very useful in cases where you want conditional invoking of a target.
here is an example: You want to build and test only if a property is set, other wise you want to just test. You can achieve this by doing the following.

BEFORE conditional build and test is implemented

"<"target name="testall" depends="build-all">"

AFTER conditional build and test is implemented

"<"target name="condition_check" if="build_and_test_is_set">"
"<"antcall target="build-all">" "<"/antcall">"

"<"target name="testall" depends="condition_check">"

Thursday, August 17, 2006

java Object not found Error in Eclipse

While building in Eclipse if you encounter Java Object not found error, then check in the Project Properties to see if you have selected the Jre/Jdk, and select it and save the project properties, this error is due to that.